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נתן בלאיש- רואה חשבון - השירותים שלנו

Our Services

Our firm offers a broad range of professional financial services tailored to the unique needs of each client. We specialize in comprehensive bookkeeping for exempt and authorized dealers as well as small companies, providing accurate payroll services that include pay slip preparation and employee-employer relations consulting. We also prepare annual income tax reports and capital declarations for self-employed individuals.


In addition, we offer auditing and financial report preparation services for private companies and nonprofits, personalized financial management and accounting services, and comprehensive tax consulting.


Our economic consulting services include feasibility studies for new business ventures, business plan development, and family financial planning. We also specialize in providing guidance to nonprofits, supporting them from establishment through ongoing financial management.


All our services are delivered with a commitment to high standards of professionalism, accuracy, and personalized service, all designed to support the growth and success of our clients.

Accounting Services

At our firm, we provide comprehensive and personalized bookkeeping services tailored to all types of businesses: exempt dealers, licensed dealers, and companies.


For exempt dealers, we provide simple and efficient income and expenses management, ensuring compliance with income ceiling regulations and maximizing the benefits of their exempt status.


For licensed dealers, our services include taking care of invoices, compliance with bookkeeping regulations, regular reporting to authorities, and continuously monitoring the financial activities of the business.


For small and medium-sized companies, we offer comprehensive management of accounting records, including bank and credit card reconciliations.

Our team stays up to date with legislative changes and regulations to ensure that our clients' accounting practices always meet the latest legal requirements. We emphasize open and ongoing communication with our clients, providing clear and detailed periodic reports, along with professional advice to enhance financial management.


Our goal extends beyond managing your accounts; we aim to provide our clients with crucial business insights that aid in making informed decisions and driving business growth. Through our accounting services, we ensure that our clients have peace of mind, knowing that their financial matters are managed by skilled and trustworthy professionals, allowing them to focus on their core business operations.

Payroll Services

Our firm offers professional and comprehensive payroll services tailored to the unique needs of each organization. These services include pay slip preparation while complying with all legal requirements, ensuring accurate calculations for pension funds, provident funds, and other social benefits. We manage the entire payroll system, ensuring that everything is handled with the utmost precision and reliability.


In addition to our ongoing payroll services, we offer consultation on employer-employee relations. This service includes clarifying the rights and obligations of both parties and handling complex issues such as terminations, resignations, special leave, and more. We also assist in designing an optimal salary structure tailored to the needs of both employers and employees.


Furthermore, our team supports clients with all payroll audits conducted by the tax authorities, the National Insurance Institute, and the Ministry of Economy. We assist in preparing all necessary documents to ensure full compliance with relevant regulations and laws.


As part of our commitment to quality service, we stay continuously updated on changes in legislation and regulations related to payroll and labor, promptly implementing them in our work to ensure that payroll management within your organization is conducted professionally and transparently, minimizing risks for employers and maximizing certainty for employees.

Annual Reports for Self-Employed Individuals and Individuals

We specialize in preparing annual reports and capital declarations for all types of self-employed individuals, including exempt dealers, licensed dealers, and individuals required to file. The process begins with a thorough analysis of all the business’s annual income and expenses, identifying all tax-deductible expenses and ensuring that any missing fixed expenses are accounted for. We meticulously review all necessary documentation to ensure accurate and complete reporting to the tax authorities.


When preparing capital declarations, we assist our clients in documenting and explaining changes in their personal capital, ensuring consistency and transparency vis-à-vis the tax authorities.


In addition to report preparation, we offer comprehensive tax planning advice, including recommendations for contributions to pension funds, provident funds, and professional development funds. We take into consideration the tax benefits associated with these contributions as well as the client’s long-term financial needs. We help our clients make informed decisions regarding savings and investments, explaining the advantages and disadvantages of each option.


Furthermore, we provide ongoing tax advisory and support clients through tax authority audits, including preparing the required documents and representing them before the authorities.


Our goal is not only to ensure compliance with legal requirements but also to optimize and improve business results, thereby supporting the long-term growth and success of the business. We consider ourselves as partners in our clients' journey and are dedicated to delivering the highest level of professional advice and service at every stage of their business development.

Financial Statement Audits

Financial Statement Audits
Our financial statement auditing services are a cornerstone of our professional activities, tailored to the unique needs of private companies and non-profit organizations across a wide range of sectors.


Our experienced team of accountants is dedicated to providing comprehensive and high-quality service. We conduct in-depth audits of financial statements, carefully examining all accounting and financial aspects of the organization.


The audit process begins with a thorough understanding of the client’s business model, the competitive environment in which they operate, and the unique challenges they face. Based on this understanding, we plan and execute the audit efficiently and effectively, with a strong focus on identifying potential risks and internal control weaknesses.

Beyond meeting regulatory requirements, we aim to provide our clients with valuable business insights that aid in improving decision-making processes and enhancing operational efficiency. For non-profits, we ensure that our audit is tailored to the specific needs of the third sector, with a deep understanding of the importance of transparency and public accountability.


Our firm is committed to maintaining high standards of professional ethics, objectivity, and confidentiality, while continuously striving for innovation and improvement in our services.

Financial Controllership and Financial Management

We offer comprehensive financial controllership and financial management services, including the preparation of monthly management reports, cash flow management, budget planning and forecasting, financial statement analysis, payment and collection management, reporting to management, and executing investments. We specialize in a wide range of industries and provide support for business growth.


Our financial controllership and financial management services are tailored to the unique needs of each client, with services ranging from basic bookkeeping to complex financial analysis and strategic planning.

Understanding that every business is unique, we take a personalized approach with each client, utilizing advanced technologies. Our services include ongoing bookkeeping, preparation of periodic financial statements, cash flow management, and handling invoices and payments.


Our team works closely with clients, ensuring regular and transparent communication and high availability for any questions or needs. In an era of rapid changes in the business and regulatory environment, we stay updated and continually adapt our services, which means our clients always benefit from the most advanced and efficient solutions.

Engaging our financial controllership and financial management services is a smart and strategic move for any business in need of professional services, expertise, and continuous updates on laws and regulations. We ensure accurate and efficient financial management with a comprehensive view of the business’s status.

Tax Advisory

Tax Advisory
Our tax advisory services cover a broad range of needs, from ongoing guidance for small businesses to complex tax planning for large corporations. For small businesses, we offer ongoing tax advice to assist with daily tax liabilities, ensure regulatory compliance, and identify opportunities for tax savings.


We continuously monitor changes in tax legislation and update our clients on how these changes may impact their business operations. In the realm of corporate tax planning, we develop customized strategies aimed at maximizing tax efficiency through thoughtful planning of revenues, expenses, and investments, while ensuring full compliance with legal requirements. This service includes an in-depth analysis of the company’s structure, income streams, and investments, along with recommendations for optimizing tax liabilities.


In cases of complex domestic and international tax issues, we collaborate with tax experts specializing in relevant fields. When necessary, we refer our clients to these specialists to ensure professional and accurate handling of all complex tax matters. This approach allows us to provide personalized tax solutions while ensuring compliance with all regulatory requirements and achieving the best possible outcomes for our clients.

Economic Advisory

Economic advisory is a comprehensive and valuable service that is key to achieving business and financial success, both at the organizational and personal levels.


Our firm offers a wide range of economic advisory services tailored to the unique needs of each client. Our business advisory focuses on performance improvement, identifying growth opportunities, and risk management.


Our experienced team of advisors works closely with clients to analyze the current situation, identify challenges and opportunities, and develop strategies tailored to achieve business goals. In assessing the feasibility of establishing new businesses, we provide in-depth market analysis, cost and revenue projections, and risk assessments to help clients make informed decisions before investing significant resources.


Business plan development is another core service, where we help clients formulate a clear vision, define measurable goals, and develop detailed strategies by which to achieve them. These plans serve as essential tools not only for internal management but also for presentation to potential investors and financial institutions.


Additionally, we offer family economics advisory services, recognizing that sound financial management at the personal level is crucial for achieving long-term goals. This service includes budget planning, savings and investment management, pension planning, and advice on significant financial decisions such as real estate purchases or large investments. We approach each advisory area with a personalized strategy, ensuring full transparency and leveraging advanced analytical tools to deliver data-driven insights. Our goal is to empower our clients to make informed decisions and successfully achieve their financial and business objectives.

Non-Profit Organizations

Our firm specializes in supporting non-profit organizations, offering extensive assistance to address the unique financial and regulatory challenges they encounter.


We understand that non-profits operate in a complex environment which includes a combination of stringent legal requirements and a constant need for transparency and accountability to donors and regulatory bodies. Our services begin with assistance in establishing the non-profit, including preparing incorporation documents and registering the non-profit with the relevant authorities.


After establishment, we support the organization in all aspects of financial management, including bookkeeping, payroll, budget management, and financial reporting in accordance with the applicable standards for non-profits. We also assist in complying with regulatory requirements, including preparing annual reports for the Registrar of Non-Profits, submitting requests for certificates of proper accounting management, and handling audits by regulatory bodies. Additionally, we help in obtaining Section 46 certification from the tax authorities.


Furthermore, we assist in developing fundraising strategies, including advising on government grants, philanthropic funds, and creating financial models for income-generating activities. An important part of our advisory focuses on developing policies and procedures for internal controls, financial transparency, and risk management, which help gain the trust of donors and partners. Our goal is to enable non-profits to focus on their social mission while ensuring financial stability and compliance with all legal and ethical requirements.

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